rcqt cheer
03 red yell
bkh blue

tokyo trophy
raised cheer
prs confgator crop
eyescloud drink
cheer red
Hou fans
NK US03on the go USO tossUSO press
Aus split
...Rainer Schüttler       

Davis Cup ...    ATP Tennis  
Olympic Games...  

.: Rainer Schuettler ... Rainer Schüttler :.

This is a Rainer Schuettler appreciation page. If you enjoy fantastic tennis, you'd appreciate him too.
To get started - Rainer is pronounced RHINE-er not ray-ner and Schuettler is pronounced SHOOT-ler not shut-ler. He is an accomplished Top 10 player who has played in Davis Cup as well as two Olympic Games (Sydney 2000, Athens 2004 Silver Medalist) for Germany.

Friday, January 02, 2004

Pre-Season is Here

2004 Action Just Days Away

SydneyOkay, I am working on one mini post that includes some pre-season links I've found in the past week (there's one Rainer bonus at the end of this post) for Saturday, and then on Sunday I hope to have up the usual tournament entry - don't know when exactly so I apologize to the European readers who are least five hours ahead of me.
I've tried changing the way the archives are listed (instead of weekly and scrolling down the margin and making the alignment of the posts all out of whack) by grouping them by month, but when I did that, it said there were no archives... I'll fool with it later. If I can condense them, I'll add links to the most referenced pages such as the 2003 photo page, US Open album, etc to the margin so those popular ones are easier to find.
Also, thanks to those of you who've added to the Heifer.org tally... and to those who've emailed me with questions - I have not forgotten about you, I hope to get back to you all soon.

Meanwhile, here are some unrelated Rainer shots that I thought were apropos...
BerlinMoscowNew York
LondonLondonAnyone else hear the Olympic theme...

There's Something About Rainer... Articles

  • Yahoo Deutschland mini article on how Rainer helped a child also from Korbach who was injured in a car crash that killed his father. Schuettler gave him a gift when he was home for Christmas visiting his parents and I believe the area tennis center had raised 1000 euro for the 17 year old as well. (not positive on my translation)

Thanks for reading!